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Bringing Compassion to our Daily Lives: An Interactive Session with Dr. Nivedita Chalill

Compassion is a fairly new word in scientific circles, but has already proven to be an invaluable one. Research demonstrates how compassion helps to decrease stress and anxiety, and can also increase our capacity for kindness and generosity, which in turn allows us to connect better with others. Contemplative traditions teach us, that cultivating a Mind which is compassionate can help us move towards greater truths and a more clearer understanding of our nature.

Join us in an interactive session to deepen our understanding of Compassion as we explore select teachings from older traditions and recent research. And we aspire that you are able to walk away with simple and meaningful ways of of bringing Compassion into your daily life.


Dr. Nivedita Chalill is a Mental Health Professional with diverse experience over two decades in a variety of organizations. Her academic training in Occupational Therapy (Seth G.S.Medical College), Social Work (M.A in Medical Psychiatric Social Work, M.Phil & Ph.D from Tata Institute of Social Sciences) and Arts Based Therapy (WCCLF, Pune) has emphasised on the needs and strengths of people living with mental health issues. In her career she has provided care in acute health settings and counselling centres, and has also worked for suicide prevention and disaster relief. She has served as faculty at the Tata Institute of Social Sciences and continues to serve as a resource person for a range of courses, training programs and conferences. She stays passionate about learning, and is currently pursuing a four-year program in Buddhist Philosophy from Tibet House (Cultural centre of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, New Delhi).




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