Satsang is a Sanskrit term derived from two roots: sat (“being”, “essence”, "truth", or “reality”) and sangha (“association”, "community", or "company"). Satsang can be translated as "gathering together for the truth", "being with the truth", "a spiritual discourse", or "a sacred gathering".
Globally, we are in the midst of several crisis situations. Internally too, we could be facing a crisis in our hearts and minds. In the current context of unprecedented & difficult changes, Sisters in Spirit is offering an ongoing supportive space to work with/through our inner and outer obstacles. Each Satsang we share carefully selected spiritual teachings and meditations that are relevant to our daily lives & also touch upon contemporary socio-political concerns. Together we listen, reflect, meditate, discuss & absorb these timeless jewels on compassion, love, patience, impermanence and non-dual wisdom. We hope that the Sisters in Spirit Satsangs will gather like-minded people on the spiritual path to deepen our relationship with reality, as it is.
Tejal Shah considers herself a life-long student who loves working with people, with animals and the earth in equal measure. She is an artist and a cultural organiser whose praxis is informed by Buddhism, permaculture and queer-feminism.
Since 2017, she has been systematically studying Buddhist philosophy at Tibet House, New Delhi, and Buddhist Dialectics from the Lama Tsongkhapa Institute, Italy (2020-2022). She has a BA in Photography from Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology.
Realising the profound relevance of Buddhist teachings and practice to our daily lives, as well as for long-term inner and outer peace, in 2020, Tejal started the independent Dharma project Sisters in Spirit (SiS), which aspires to bring the teachings on non-dual wisdom and compassion to a wider audience.